TABLE E-1 Achilles Tendon Rupture Rehabilitation Protocol

Time Frame Activity

0-2 weeks Posterior slab/splint; non-weight-bearing with crutches: immed. postop. in surgical

group, after injury in nonop. group

2-4 weeks Aircast walking boot with 2-cm heel lift*†

Protected weight-bearing with crutches

Active plantar flexion and dorsiflexion to neutral, inversion/eversion below neutral

Modalities to control swelling

Incision mobilization modalities‡

Knee/hip exercises with no ankle involvement; e.g., leg lifts from sitting, prone, or

side-lying position

Non-weight-bearing fitness/cardiovascular exercises; e.g., bicycling with one leg,

deep-water running

Hydrotherapy (within motion and weight-bearing limitations)

4-6 weeks Weight-bearing as tolerated*†

Continue 2-4 week protocol

6-8 weeks Remove heel lift

Weight-bearing as tolerated*†

Dorsiflexion stretching, slowly

Graduated resistance exercises (open and closed kinetic chain as well as functional


Proprioceptive and gait retraining

Modalities including ice, heat, and ultrasound, as indicated

Incision mobilization‡

Fitness/cardiovascular exercises to include weight-bearing as tolerated; e.g., bicycling,

elliptical machine, walking and/or running on treadmill, StairMaster


8-12 weeks Wean off boot

Return to crutches and/or cane as necessary and gradually wean off

Continue to progress range of motion, strength, proprioception

>12 weeks Continue to progress range of motion, strength, proprioception

Retrain strength, power, endurance

Increase dynamic weight-bearing exercise, include plyometric training

Sport-specific retraining

*Patients were required to wear the boot while sleeping. †Patients could remove the boot for bathing and