Bunion Post Operative PT Protocol


Weeks 0-2:

•       Short leg splint for 10-14 days until 1st post operative appointment.

•       You may place the foot on the floor to transfer and when walking with a walker or crutches but try not to place more than 50% of your weight through your operative foot

•       At your first appointment we will remove your splint and your stitches from your bunion repair.

•       You will be placed in a CAM walker boot with steri strips if the incisions look well healed. You can begin full weight bearing at this time.

•       Important to wiggle your toes and move your knee while in splint

•       SLR, Quad sets  


Weeks 2-6:

•       Full Weight Bearing may need crutches or walker for a couple days once splint is removed but goal is to walk without assistive device by week 3 the latest

•       Remove the CAM boot to shower but wear it at all other times (Yes even to bed)

•       Appointment at week 6


Weeks 6-12:

•       Patient out of CAM boot; stiff soled shoe during activity until week 12

•       Begin mobilization of 1st MTP plantar flexion and dorsiflexion

•       Modalities as needed for swelling and scar massage

•       Work on quad, hamstring, calf and ankle dorsiflexion strength

•       Appointment at week 12- return to sport protocol initiated after week 12- can return to sport after week 16