Weeks 0-2:

•       Full WBAT immediately

•       Crutches or walker for 7-10 days. D/C when gait normalizes.

•       You will get up and walk with PT post op, discharge home when you can safely ambulate with assistive device

•       Full Active/Passive ROM

•       SLR, Heel Slides, Quad Sets, Calf Pumps


Weeks 2-6:

•       Full Weight Bearing

•       Progress with ROM- goal 0-90 Week 2; goal 0-115 week 6

•       Wall sits, Lunges, Balance Exercises after week 4

•       Closed Chain Quad Strengthening after week 4


Weeks 6-12:


•       Continue work with PT, Goal is 0-125

•       Full strength compared to contralateral side

•       Modalities as needed for swelling and scar massage